Widget Examples

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Option #1: Showcase

The Showcase widget allows you to display up to three customer testimonials side-by-side. This widget is a great choice for showcasing your strongest testimonials, for example, on your homepage.

Please note: These are demo testimonials, without sound.

Option #2: Wall of Trust

The Wall of Trust widget is useful for embedding all of your collected testimonials on a "Reviews" page, or whatever page you're using to showcase off all of your social proof in one single spot.

Option #3: Slider

The Slider widget is an effective way to display multiple testimonials at once, i.e. more than 2 or 3, but allow users to slide through to see tons of happy customer testimonials, and click into the ones that seem most interesting to them.

Option #4: Vertical

The Vertical widget is a solid choice for pages that have a vertical format.

Try Our Sample Embed Code

No code, no developer resources required.
Embed testimonials on-site in a matter of a few clicks.

<iframe id="st-frame" 
width="100%" height="100%" 
title="Simple Testimonial embed" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" 
style="background-color: transparent; border: none"></iframe>