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Get Started for free 🎉The Showcase widget allows you to display up to three customer testimonials side-by-side. This widget is a great choice for showcasing your strongest testimonials, for example, on your homepage.
Please note: These are demo testimonials, without sound.
The Wall of Trust widget is useful for embedding all of your collected testimonials on a "Reviews"Â page, or whatever page you're using to showcase off all of your social proof in one single spot.
The Slider widget is an effective way to display multiple testimonials at once, i.e. more than 2 or 3, but allow users to slide through to see tons of happy customer testimonials, and click into the ones that seem most interesting to them.
The Vertical widget is a solid choice for pages that have a vertical format.
No code, no developer resources required.
Embed testimonials on-site in a matter of a few clicks.
<iframe id="st-frame"
width="100%" height="100%"
title="Simple Testimonial embed" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no"
style="background-color: transparent; border: none"></iframe>