16 SaaS Video Testimonial Questions That Unlock Great Customer Stories [Examples]

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As a SaaS founder or marketing lead, you know that testimonials are a powerful tool for establishing credibility and building trust with potential customers.

In the SaaS industry, video testimonials can be especially effective in showcasing the benefits of your software and providing social proof of its value.

In this article, we’ll provide you with 15  questions to ask when creating SaaS video testimonials.

By asking the right questions, you can elicit powerful and compelling responses from your customers that will resonate with your target audience and help you to build social proof fast, and convert more demos and signups.

Let's go.

15 SaaS Video Testimonial Questions

1. What were your pain points before using our software?

Start by asking your customers about the challenges they faced before using your software.

2. How has our software helped you overcome those challenges?

Next, ask your customers to describe how your software has helped them solve their problems.

This is the heart of your testimonial and should highlight the specific benefits of your software in a tangible and relatable way.

3. What was the deciding factor in choosing our software over the competition?

Ask your customers what made them choose your software over other options on the market.

This helps to establish your unique value proposition and can help differentiate your brand from competitors.

4. How easy was it to get started with our software?

Ease of use is a critical factor in the adoption of any software, so it’s important to ask your customers about their onboarding experience.

Understanding ease-of-use can address any potential barriers to entry for new customers and demonstrate your commitment to a positive user experience.

5. How has our software impacted your day-to-day operations?

Ask your customers about the specific ways in which your software has improved their business processes.

This can help to establish the tangible benefits of your software and provide a clear value proposition for potential customers.

6. What are some unexpected benefits you’ve experienced since using our software?

In addition to the expected benefits, ask your customers about any unexpected or surprising benefits they’ve experienced since using your software.

This can help to establish your software as a versatile and valuable tool for a variety of use cases.

7. How responsive has our customer support team been?

Customer support is an important factor in the success of any SaaS product, so it’s important to ask your customers about their experience with your support team.

8. How has our software improved bottom line revenue?

Ultimately, the success of any software product is tied to its ability to deliver tangible business results.

Ask your customers about the specific ways in which your software has improved their bottom line, whether through increased revenue, reduced costs, or other metrics.

9. Would you recommend our software to others? Why or why not?

This is a simple but powerful question that can help to establish your overall customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend your product to others.

It also provides valuable feedback for improving your product and addressing any potential concerns.

10. How does our software compare to other options on the market?

Ask your customers to compare your software to other options on the market.

This can help to establish your unique value proposition and address any potential concerns about competing products.

11. How has our software evolved since you first started using it?

Software is constantly evolving, so it’s important to ask your customers about their experience with updates and new features.

This can help to establish your commitment to innovation and address any potential concerns about outdated software.

12. How would you describe our software to someone who has never used it before?

Ask your customers to provide a brief overview of your software in their own words.

This can help to establish your brand identity and provide valuable user-generated content for.

13. How would you describe our software to someone who has never used it before?

Ask your customers to provide a brief overview of your software in their own words.

This can help to establish your brand identity and provide valuable user-generated content for potential customers to read.

14. Can you share any success stories or specific use cases for our software?

Ask your customers to share any success stories or specific use cases for your software.

This can help to establish your software as a versatile and valuable tool for a variety of business needs.

15. How has our software improved collaboration and communication within your team?

Collaboration and communication are critical components of any successful business, so it’s important to ask your customers about their experience using your software in this context.

This can help to establish your software as a valuable tool for team collaboration and address any potential concerns about communication issues.

16. How has our software helped you achieve your business goals?

Finally, ask your customers about the specific ways in which your software has helped them achieve their business goals.

This can help to establish your software as a critical component of their overall business strategy and provide a clear value proposition for potential customers.

How to Collect Video Testimonials for Your SaaS in 3 Simple Steps

Now you have the best employee testimonial questions to gather authentic feedback, here's how to start using those and collecting testimonials in a matter of a few clicks.

1. Sign Up for Simple Testimonial

Sign Up for Simple Testimonial to start collecting video testimonials.

Collect Video Testimonials in Just a Few Clicks. ⚡

Collecting feedback from your customers has never been more simple.

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2. Add Your Questions

Now that you've signed up, add your questions, and set up your feedback form using the questions from the above list:

3. Ask your Employees for Feedback

You've configured your Feeedback Form, added your questions and now you're ready to collect.

It's as simple as sharing your unique Feeedback Form link with your employees, and asking for their feedback.

How Video Testimonials Impact Buying Decision

Video testimonials have become an essential part of any business's marketing strategy.

According to a survey conducted by MotionCue, 62% of people feel that video testimonials/reviews help them in making a buying decision.

This is because video testimonials provide social proof, which is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.

When potential customers see other people talking about their positive experience with a product or service, they are more likely to trust the business and make a purchase.

Video testimonials also provide a more personal touch to the customer experience, which can help build a stronger emotional connection between the customer and the brand.

However, it's important to note that video testimonials can also address objections and reservations that potential customers may have.

For example, a video testimonial can address concerns about a product's quality, ease of use, or customer service. By including video testimonials that address common objections, businesses can increase the likelihood of converting potential customers into actual customers.

In addition to addressing objections, video testimonials can also provide insight into the customer experience.

By hearing directly from customers about their experience with a product or service, potential customers can get a better understanding of what to expect.

The Role of Storytelling in Video Testimonials

Customer video testimonials are an essential tool for SaaS marketers to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

In the context of video testimonials, storytelling involves crafting a story that highlights the customer's pain points, challenges, and how the SaaS product helped them overcome those obstacles.

The story should be engaging, emotional, and easy to follow, so the viewer feels invested in the customer's journey.

When done correctly, storytelling can make a video testimonial more relatable and memorable.

It can help the viewer connect with the customer and understand how the SaaS product can solve their own challenges. By using storytelling, the video testimonial becomes more than just a sales pitch; it becomes a human story that resonates with the audience.

To create a powerful video testimonial through storytelling, it's essential to ask the right questions. These questions should encourage the customer to share their story and provide specific examples of how the SaaS product helped them achieve their goals. Some effective questions to ask include:

  • What challenges were you facing before using our product?
  • How did our product help you overcome those challenges?
  • What specific features of our product did you find most helpful?
  • How has our product impacted your business or life?

By asking these questions and encouraging the customer to share their story, the resulting video testimonial will be more authentic and engaging.

It will provide potential customers with a glimpse into how the SaaS product can help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

Competitive Advantage through Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are an effective way to showcase the value of a SaaS product and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

They provide social proof, inspire trust, and give businesses authority. By gathering genuine feedback from satisfied customers, SaaS companies can demonstrate the ROI of their product and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Competitors are always vying for the same customers, and video testimonials can give a SaaS company an edge.

By featuring video testimonials on their website and social media channels, a SaaS company can show potential customers that their product is trusted and valued by real users. This can help to sway potential customers who may be considering other options.

Video testimonials can also highlight the unique value proposition of a SaaS product.

By asking customers specific questions about how the product has solved their problems or improved their workflow, a SaaS company can showcase the features and benefits that set them apart from their competitors. This can help to position the company as a leader in their niche and increase brand recognition.

Final Thoughts

Creating effective SaaS video testimonials requires careful planning and execution.

By asking the right questions, businesses can create compelling video content that highlights their product's features and benefits, while also addressing common objections and concerns.

One key takeaway from this article is the importance of energy and enthusiasm in video testimonials. Customers who are excited about a product are more likely to provide engaging and persuasive testimonials that can help drive sales and conversions.

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