7 Video Testimonials Best Practices To Follow [2023]

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Video testimonials have become a crucial asset in marketing and sales strategies, offering genuine and engaging insights about products or services.

They are an effective way to showcase the value of a brand through the words of satisfied customers. However, creating compelling video testimonials can be challenging and requires implementing the right techniques to ensure their success.

Drawing from practical experiences and research, there are specific best practices that can enhance the process of filming video testimonials.

By adhering to these guidelines, it becomes easier to produce authentic and impactful testimonials that can establish trust and credibility with potential customers.

1. Prioritize High-Quality Equipment

When creating a video testimonial, it's essential to use top-notch equipment. While it's not necessary to invest thousands of dollars in a cinema-grade camera, using a shaky iPhone video is not recommended either.

Utilizing a mid-range or high-end DSLR owned by someone in your company can be a suitable option for filming. If this option is not available, consider renting high-quality video equipment from a camera shop. These shops often provide recommendations on the best gear for recording interviews.

To make the most out of the rental period, schedule and record multiple video testimonials within the same day or a few days, minimizing the need for renting equipment again.

A good camera alone isn't enough; ensure that a stable tripod is used to prevent shaky footage. Additionally, invest in microphones that provide clear sound quality. Lavalier microphones are ideal for interviews and testimonials as they reduce ambient noise and capture voices distinctly.

2. Prepare (But Donโ€™t Use a Script)

When recording a video testimonial, it's essential to strike a balance between preparation and allowing room for natural, unscripted responses from the subject. A well-prepared testimonial feels genuine and showcases the customer's unique brand and personality.

Start by developing a list of questions that will guide the conversation during the recording process. Share these questions with the customer beforehand, so they know what to expect. It's often effective to structure the testimonial as an interview, with the interviewer asking questions and the customer responding. After editing, the final video will have a testimonial-like feel.

Though it's important to have prepared questions, don't hesitate to deviate from the list. Engage in a natural, conversational manner, and ask follow-up questions based on the customer's responses. The initial list of questions serves as a starting point, but genuine testimonials can benefit from a more organic exchange.

By avoiding a strict script and allowing the conversation to flow naturally, the testimonial will resonate with viewers and effectively highlight the customer's experiences with the product or service.

3. Focus on the Why

While creating a video testimonial, it's essential to emphasize the reasons and emotions behind choosing a particular product or service. Addressing actual pain points and recounting how the solution made a difference allows the testimonial to resonate with potential customers who are seeking relief for similar issues.

To evoke emotions and focus on benefits rather than features, ask open-ended questions like:

  • What prompted you to search for a solution to this issue?
  • How does our product or service change the way you approach your business?
  • What were the challenges you faced before using our solution?

Avoid yes-or-no questions, as they may not provide valuable responses or leave room for follow-up questions.

It's important to acknowledge that not every customer may provide a suitable story for a video testimonial. Focus on collecting testimonials that encompass concrete problems, solutions, and benefits to create a powerful narrative. To achieve this, only feature customers with compelling stories that go beyond the basic use of a product or service.

In conclusion, concentrating on the customers' emotions and beneficial aspects of the product or service will result in an effective and relatable video testimonial.

4. Build an Emotional Connection

Establishing an emotional connection with your audience is vital when crafting an effective testimonial video. While facts and figures about your business achievements, such as increased productivity or reduced costs, can be appealing, creating an emotional link boosts the power of the testimonial.

Ensure that your video testimonial allows viewers to empathize with the customer's emotions while describing their pre- and post-experience with your product or service. Showcasing the customer's emotional journey from frustration or defeat to success and satisfaction will highly persuade potential clients.

In order to create this emotional connection, carefully plan the questions you will ask the customer and engage with them on a personal level. Focus on capturing their authentic feelings rather than just stating facts about their company. Integrating emotional insights throughout the testimonial process will ultimately drive conversions.

5. Keep It Short

When creating a video testimonial, it's crucial to keep the final edited version brief and concise. Aim for a duration of two to three minutes, as this is an optimal length that captures viewers' attention without overwhelming them.

Remember, a short attention span is common among viewers, so it's essential to get straight to the point, allowing them to quickly absorb the information and move on. To achieve this, review the video content thoroughly, examining each sentence's necessity within the context of the overall message. If removing a sentence does not impact the effect or meaning of the video, it's best to edit it out. This approach will help maintain a confident, knowledgeable, and clear tone while ensuring that the video testimonial remains engaging and informative.

6. Add Graphics and Text

Enhanced visuals in video testimonials can be achieved by incorporating graphics and overlay text. This not only retains viewer interest but also offers an opportunity to present relevant facts, figures, and emphasize key points. Various post-production applications, from high-end options like Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro to simpler solutions like iMovie or OpenShot, can assist in adding these visual elements.

For inspiration and ideas on how to use graphics and text effectively, examining professionally made video testimonials is a helpful exercise.

7. Use Good Filming Technique

To obtain an outstanding video testimonial, it's essential to familiarize yourself with proper filming techniques. Firstly, choosing the right location is crucial for conducting interviews. Ideally, the subject's workplace would be the best choice, considering the availability of suitable lighting and creating a comfortable environment for the subject.

In terms of composition, opt for the "long-sided" interview approach, which can make the video appear more professional. Meanwhile, the integration of B-roll footage can enhance the realism and add visual interest to your interview. Thus, inquire about any existing B-roll footage from your interviewee or consider capturing your own.

Incorporating graphics, overlays, text, and other visual elements can further contribute to your video testimonial's professionalism, although they might not be absolutely necessary. Finally, to better understand and master filming techniques for testimonials, watch outstanding video testimonials online as examples to follow. Utilizing a confident, knowledgeable, neutral, and clear tone of voice, while writing in the third person, will ensure your article adheres to proper guidelines and language standards.

Final Thoughts on Video Testimonial Best Practice

Video testimonials ultimately aim to connect with potential customers by presenting relatable, genuine content.

High-quality production is useful, but what matters most is resonating with the target audience.

To ensure that connection is strong, it's crucial to gather feedback from customers about the produced video testimonials.

After receiving their input, refining and adjusting the approach will lead to testimonials that effectively engage viewers and convert them into loyal clients.

Emphasize the connection, gather feedback, and adapt to make your video testimonials more powerful and persuasive.


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