How to Build Case Studies on Auto-Pilot with Video Testimonials [Example]

In This Article

Building case studies can be time-consuming, and difficult to accomplish without a proper process in place.

What if there was an easier way to build case studies, on auto-pilot?

With the help of video testimonials, you can now collect all of the crucial feedback needed to build a killer case study, and have the output automatically generated for you using the help of AI to do the heavy-lifting.

Here's how you can leverage video testimonials to build case studies for your business.

5 Steps to Building Case Studies with Simple Testimonial

Step #1: Select The Right Customer

First, you need to choose a customer who represents your typical audience and has experienced success using your product.

Look for customers with strong results, recognisable brands, and similarities to your target audience.

  • Which of your existing customers have you got strong results for in the past, that potential prospects would be extremely interested to see and learn more about?
  • Which customers are well-known names in your target industry that would provide a ton of social proof and build trust for your service or product?

Now that you have a list of a few strong potential customers to ask, it's time to set up your questions.

Step #2: Define Your Question Set

To gather valuable insights, prepare a set of smart questions to help understand the client's background, challenges faced before using your product, individual goals met, metrics improved, and the aspects of their business most impacted by your product.

Here's an example question set that you could use to build a powerful case study:


  • What's your name, and where do you work?
  • Tell me a little about your company in a few sentences
  • What are your goals? Your company’s?


  • What business challenges were you facing that caused you to look for a solution?
  • Why were these challenges such a big problem for your company?
  • What were you hoping to achieve with a new solution?
  • What criteria did the new solution need to meet?
  • How were you planning to meaure the success of the new solution?


  • How did you discover us?
  • What solutions did you try before you came to us?
  • Why did you choose to work with us vs. others?
  • What services are we providing for you?
  • What challenges do those services solve for you?
  • How are we supporting you when you need it?


  • How has our product or service impacted or benefited your customers?
  • Do you have any measurable data or business results that you can share around the impact or benefits of our solution?
  • What's exceeded your expectations in working with us?
  • What advice would you have for others considering our solution?

Step #3: Sign Up for Simple Testimonial

Now that you have your customer list, and question set in mind - you can now set up a simple way to start collecting video testimonials, and turning those into customer case studies and success stories.

Click here to sign-up for Simple Testimonial.

During onboarding, you'll have the chance to define your questions where you can use the above questions to create and design your Feedback Form:

Here's an example of what you end-customer would see for example once you make the ask:

Once your customer leaves their video testimonial, it'll be automatically saved.

You're now ready to start collecting video testimonials that can be transformed into case studies.

Step #4: Make the Ask

Since you've already created a list of potential customers, and you have your questions setup, you're now ready to reach out and make the ask.

Reach out to your customers, and start by asking for a few minutes of their time to leave a video testimonial.

Here's a sample template you can use to make the ask:

Subject: Help others succeed with [Product/Service]!
Dear [Client's Name],
Your experience with [Product/Service] can make a difference in others' success. By sharing your story in a testimonial, you'll inspire prospective customers with real-life examples of how our [Product/Service] has helped you. It'll require less than 5 minutes of your time, and we'd really appreciate your feedback.
Let me know if you're open to taking a few minutes out of your busy day to say a few words about us.

Once the customer agrees, you can then provide them with the Testimonial Form link where they can leave their video testimonial.

Step #5: Build the Case Study

Now that you've collected your video testimonials, you can easily use AI to trasncribe the content from the video, directly into case study format.

Best practice for this includes:

  • Add your video testimonial directly above-the-fold
  • Create four sections based on your questions, that cover Background, Solution, Challenge and Results

Here's an example of what the output would look like:

Example Video-Testimonial Driven Case Studies


Supademo is a great example of a product-led company that firmly believes in leading with content and social proof to drive customer aqquisition.

Using video testimonials to build case studies, Supademo has leveraged Simple Testimonials solution to quickly build case studies for their product in a matter of minutes:

Using the same process as outline above, Supademo first collects video testimonials and is hyper-focused in the types of questions that they ask, then turning the video testimonial into a full-blown case study - with the video component above-the-fold, as well as in written format to build trust fast.

No one likes only a case study by itself, especially without a face behind the name and company that was involved.

The video component adds a whole other layer of trust, that helps to provide needed social proof for potential prospects and website visitors.

What Constitutes an Effective Case Study?

1. Easily Understandable

A strong case study should be concise and clear, effectively communicating its message without ambiguity.

It is crucial to strike a balance between brevity and thoroughness, ensuring that essential information is conveyed without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary details.

2. Comprehensive

While keeping the case study digestible, it is important to provide enough information to support the claims made about a product's impact on the customer's success.

Including key details and insights helps to demonstrate the customer's journey using the product, going beyond simple customer reviews.

Providing context and using visual elements like images and videos when appropriate can also help to paint a clearer picture of the case.

3. Narrative Driven

Effective case studies go beyond just being sales tools; they tell a captivating story that engages the reader from beginning to end.

These stories often present a challenge that needs to be addressed, adding tension and a sense of urgency.

The case study should focus on the customer as the hero, illustrating their collaboration and engagement with the product in overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals.

By presenting the narrative in a structured and unique manner, readers can derive greater value from the case study and better understand how the product or service can address their specific pain points.

Final Thoughts

Case studies hold significant power in showcasing the benefits of your brand or product.

Not only are cases studies necessary to thrive in the B2B buying environment, but the added video component on top can help to;

  • Massively reduce the time it takes to creative case studies
  • Add an additional layer of trust to the case study by leveraging video
  • Create a video asset that can be used in paid social campaigns at the retargetting layer

By highlighting the success stories of satisfied customers, case studies provide a strong, persuasive endorsement.

While paid advertisements or boosted social media posts may create initial awareness, it is through well-crafted case studies that potential clients truly understand the ways your product can address their specific needs.

Dedicating the effort to create compelling case studies, coupled with video testimonials, will undoubtedly yield long-lasting results and contribute to your brand's growth.

Build trust 4x faster.

Collect and embed video testimonials from your customers with ease.