10 Employee Testimonial Questions to Ask for Authentic Feedback

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When it comes to deciding where to work, the majority of employees and job seekers consider researching company reviews and ratings to be a crucial step.

In fact, a staggering 86% of them believe so. In light of this, sharing employee testimonials has become an essential part of building a company’s reputation and brand.

Not already incorporating employee video testimonials into your hiring strategy? You might be missing out on some of the top candidates.

In this article will provide the top 10 employee testimonial questions that should be asked of a team, along with tips on where to share them.

Why Create Employee Testimonials?

Employee testimonials can be a powerful tool for recruitment and employer branding. Prospective candidates are more likely to trust social proof from current employees than from company executives.

Employee testimonials provide an authentic view of what it's like to work for a particular company, which is valuable information for job seekers.

By creating and sharing employee testimonials, companies can improve their recruitment marketing efforts and attract top talent.

When employees are a good fit from the start, they are more likely to stay long-term, reducing recruitment costs and improving employee retention.

Employee testimonials also add credibility to a company's branding efforts. They show that the company values its employees and cares about their experiences.

This authenticity helps to improve the candidate experience and can lead to a more positive perception of the company overall.

Why You Don’t Need to Ask Loads of Questions

Short Questions Are Effective

Creating effective employee testimonials involves considering both the audience's time and the effort required to respond.

Each question should be concise, ensuring clarity for respondents. Overcomplicating questions not only decreases engagement but also makes it easy for interviewees to forget or lose interest.

A practical approach is to limit each question to a brief sentence.

Limit the Number of Questions

A streamlined list of questions enhances the likelihood of response. Overwhelming participants with numerous questions can deter participation and reduce the quality of responses.

Using between one and three questions is typically sufficient, with a strict limit of five questions to avoid overwhelming the respondent.

Here's an example of an efficient, two-question survey suitable for gathering employee testimonial videos:

  1. What do you enjoy most about working at our company?
  2. How would you describe your team in one word?

Top 10 Employee Testimonial Questions

To create effective employee testimonial videos or written testimonials, it's important to ask the right questions.

Here are ten essential questions to include in your questionnaire:

1. What Is Your Name and Job Title?

This simple question is an excellent icebreaker before diving into more detailed questions.

It also establishes the interviewee's job title, which helps job seekers determine if the testimonial is relevant to them.

2. How Would You Summarize Your Position?

Asking this question encourages employees to think about their roles and responsibilities in more detail.

It also provides insight into how the employee views their position at the company.

3. How Long Have You Worked for This Company?

Asking this question helps job seekers determine the interviewee's level of satisfaction with their job.

If someone has worked at a company for several years, it signals that they are at least somewhat satisfied with their position.

4. What Does a Typical Day Look Like for You?

This question provides insight into what someone can expect to do each day if they work at the company.

It also helps job seekers determine if the responsibilities of the job align with their interests and areas of expertise.

5. What Do You Look Forward to When Coming to Work?

Asking employees to share something they look forward to each day sheds light on the positive aspects of the company.

It makes the company more enticing to potential new hires.

6. How Would You Describe the Culture at This Company?

Company culture and workplace environment are important factors for job seekers.

Asking employees to describe the company culture helps potential candidates determine if the work environment is a good fit for them.

7. What’s the Most Important Thing You’ve Learned Working at This Company?

People want a career that encourages growth and professional development.

If employees share important things they've learned while working for the company, it sends a message that the company offers this kind of environment.

8. Do You Have Any Funny or Interesting Stories to Share from Your Time Working at This Company?

Asking employees to share funny or interesting stories about their time at the company ensures that the testimonials don't seem too dry or serious.

It also makes the company seem like a fun and exciting place to work.

9. What Makes You Happiest About Working at This Company?

People want to feel happy and fulfilled in their jobs.

If employees share stories about what makes them feel happy and satisfied at work, it shows job seekers that the company can provide them with a supportive environment.

10. Would You Recommend This Company to a Friend Looking for a Job?

Asking employees if they would recommend the company to others is one of the most important questions to include. Referrals and recommendations matter a great deal to job seekers. If employees say that they would recommend the company, it signals to potential candidates that the company is a great place to work.

How to Collect Employee Testimonials in 3 Simple Steps

Now you have the best employee testimonial questions to gather authentic feedback, here's how to start using those and collecting testimonials in a matter of a few clicks.

1. Sign Up for Simple Testimonial

Sign Up for Simple Testimonial to start collecting employee feedback.

Collect Employee Testimonials in Just a Few Clicks. ⚡

Collecting feedback from your employees has never been more simple.

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2. Add Your Questions

Now that you've signed up, add your questions, and set up your feedback form using the questions from the above list:

3. Ask your Customers for Feedback

You've configured your Feeedback Form, added your questions and now you're ready to collect.

It's as simple as sharing your unique Feeedback Form link with your customers, and asking for their feedback.

Build trust 4x faster.

Collect and embed video testimonials from your customers with ease.