How to embed testimonials on your website

Embedding widgets is as easy as a few clicks with Simple Testimonial - no developer required, and no code needed.

For engaging, on-site widgets to display your testimonials, use the following guide to get setup displaying your testimonials on your website.

Step 1. From the left-hand navigation, click "Widgets"

Step 2. On the top right-hand side, click the "Create new" button

Step 3. Choose your widget settingsOn the "Settings" tab, you can choose your preferred widget, as well as customize the display settings.

Widget type: you have four different options for types widgets you can display:

1. Showcase: Display up to three video testimonials in a row, highlighting your best testimonials.

2. Slider: Display up to three video testimonials in a slider format, where users can scroll left and right to see more videos.

3. Wall of Trust: Display testimonials in a masonry format. This is best if you have more than 10+ video testimonials to display, with varying widhts and heights.

4. Vertical: Display video testimonials directly vertical in a line.

The other settings on this page include:

  • Widget name: Give your widget a name that is unique, for example "Homepage Widget"
  • Show by form: You can choose from which form you want to show video testimonials for with this widget.
  • Number of reviews: Choose how many testimonials you want to show in the widget.
  • Sort by: You can sort the order of which the video testimonials are shown based on the date, name or rating that the end-customer provided when submitting the testimonial.

As you make changes to the widget settings, the widget preview on the right-hand side of your screen will update - so you know what the final product will look like once embedded on-site.

Step #4. Click the "Appearance" tab

On the appearance tab, you have a few different options for how your customers information will be displayed on the video testimonial, or to completely turn off the text settings to show no text overly at all.

Text color: Change the color of the text which is displayed on or below the video testimonial to match your own branding.

Testimonial information: This controls the display of your customers name, title and place of work.

You have the following options:

  • Name and title on video: Display the customer's name and title directly on the video itself.
  • Name and title below video: Display the customer's name and title below the video
  • Just a video: Only show the video without any name, title or rating

Once you've choose your settings, click the "Save" button.You're now ready to get your embed code to display testimonials on your website.

Step #5. Copy your embed code to the clipboard, and paste it into your CMS

Now you're ready to embed the widget code on your website in order to display reviews.

Depending on your CMS, the next steps might slightly vary.

Please see the popular CMS widget embed guides below for more concrete stepds, depending on your CMS:

Our widgets are responsible by default.

Best practice for embedding your widget would be to add it to a container item in your CMS, so you can control where and how the widget is displayed, according to your preference.

Still need help embedding your widget?

Send us an email below, or join us to talk to our support team live on Slack, and we'll help you to get your widget embed setup!

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